The Genestreaming Journey Sculptures Team wish to thank our sponsors and Southern Forest Arts and the Shire of Manjimup for their support.


Artworks for the Northcliffe Genestreaming Journey Sculpture


Field Naturalist Art

Feild Naturalist Art Created by

Scientific Illustrator Mali Moir and Ben Beeton of the Art of Nature School 

Illustration input by Jane Thompson

Photography by Wendy Eiby

Eco-dying by Jenny Wilson

Plant specimens collected by Lauren Hutchinson


Aboriginal Artworks

Aboriginal Artists

Sandra Hill

Djeran Natalie Clark – school collaboration

Chris Latham

Cass Bynder

Sandra Hill

Sandra Hill

Holly Booth

Swag Taylor

Ruth Maddren

Holly Booth

Makuru Natalie Clark – School collaboration

Chris Latham

Bill Bennell

Megan Corby

Megan Corby


Selected Species


Evolutionary Tree Base Plate for the Sculpture

Research by Gary Muir of Wow Wilderness Eco Projects

Special thanks to Mark Hewson of Torbay Glass Studio and Glenn Hoskins of Roll Form for overseeing Sculpture installation.


Note: Special thanks to Sheenagh Colins for letting us feature the detail of the honey possum from her mural at Wave Rock


Donnolly Lakes detail 01
Donnolly Lakes detail 03
Donnolly Lakes detail 02
Donnolly Lakes detail 06