The Genestreaming Journey Sculptures Team wish to thank our sponsors and the Shire of Jerramungup for their support.

Artworks for the Bremer Bay Genestreaming Journey Sculpture


Field Naturalist Artwork

Created by Scientific Illustrator Mali Moir and Ben Beeton of the Art of Nature School with scientific illustration input by Jane Thompson, eco-dying by Jenny Wilson & photography from the Quaalup Homestead Wilderness Retreat

Special thanks to Quaalup Homestead Wilderness Retreat for hosting our artist residency & landscape ecologist Nathan McQuoid, Dr Sarah Barrett & Gary Muir of WoW Wilderness Eco-Projects.


Aboriginal Artwork

Contributing Aboriginal Artists

Yvonne Bell

Anthony Willis Wynne

Michael Khan

Tommy Dimer

Michael Khan

Anthony Willis Wynne/Coyne

Rachel Elfick

Kelvin Wood

Lakota Miller

Cameron Gravestock

Michael Khan

Anthony Graham Woods

Anthony Graham Woods

Robert Swift


Selected Species


Special thanks to Mark Hewson of Torbay Glass Studio and Glenn Hoskins of Roll Form for overseeing Sculpture installation.


Evolutionary Tree Base Plate for the Sculpture

Research by Gary Muir of Wow Wilderness Eco Projects


To the left we see the position of Australia in the northern hemisphere within the super continent Rodinia. Some of the rocks within the Fitzgerald River National Park date back to the Rodinian super continent.